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Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:46 pm
by DanC
OK, I know how Mick does it, but wouldn't mind some pics Mick if you don't mind? But how does everyone else carry one, or don't others apart from Mick and Alex bother? I am totally torn on this subject, I don't want to cut the wheel arch, I considered modifying the wardrobe to have one that slides out over the cooker seat, but that reduce storage somewhat? Maybe I should just carry one on the roof and then bring it in at night? Definitely some space issues to overcome! There are some small ones around, but what do others use.... A friend with a ambi uses 'bog in a bag'....

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:22 pm
by RMS
We used the roof box to carry the porta-potti on the Morocco trip (hence the height of the roof box).
With a pop-up toilet tent, we were sorted for most locations.

We also have a small porta-potti which could fit in the bottom of the wardrobe, but that's different from the Dormobile. The wardrobe in the 2 door Carawagons is positioned over a cut away wheel well so plenty of depth in there for that and other stuff (though I tend to put camping stuff in there with the porta-potti rather than clothes :whistle: ).

When it's just 'us guys' we find most of our 'wild camping' locations either have some woods etc. nearby so you might see someone wandering off with folding spade in hand, or there are toilets somewhere nearby.
If SWMBO is on board, it has to be the porta-potti and pop-up tent :cheers:

(The blu loo tent)

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:19 pm
by AlexB
Just ask your wife what she wants.

Then do it!!

Saves all the problems. You can always put the dormobile back to standard, you would get lonely camping on your own.

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:46 pm
by DanC
You are of course bang on correct Alex, but it is not possible at mo, so trying to work it out for myself with a little bit of help from everybody's experience ;)

Ta, Dan.

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:10 pm
by RobW
AlexB wrote:Just ask your wife what she wants.
Do they do underfloor heating, jacuzzi & steam room for a Dorma? :neener:

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:33 pm
by flyingant
RobW: Do they do underfloor heating, jacuzzi & steam room for a Dorma?
Sure! Underfloor heating as an extra courtesy of Eberspächer - water jets and misting courtesy of LR door & window seals! :mrgreen:

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:39 am
by AlexB
hows about a phased approach - option 1 the porta pot with toilet tent, and if that isn't acceptable, then its the Mick / ALex version?

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:50 pm
by Troika
If i could only get hold of an aft starboard toilet unit from the upperdeck of an A380, I reckon that would fit in the wardrobe space and just needs the zodi shower unit connected for the ultimate combined unit plumbed into underslung tanks. :nana:

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:57 pm
by jerryd
Wasn't this subject brought up in another post somewhere ?? I think if I was to go down this route I'd purchase one of these and keep it on the roofrack , not sure if I'd want a porta potti sitting in my cupboards :aaagh:

Or you could get "his + hers" shovels mounted on your front wings :cheers:

Re: Today's issue... Toilets

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:52 pm
by overlander
This is a subject close to my ‘art’ having had over 4 decades experience of attending to business in the open air. ‘You can’t beat a feral dump’ Mick said to me one morning as we squatted behind a desert dune which conveniently shielded us from the rest of the camp - although it didn’t deter the opportunist local coca cola seller intent on his first sale of the day.

For the men it’s not such a big deal – a wide necked bottle, with a funnel if you’re a poor shot, will normally suffice and can easily be stored in the vehicle(or tent). With a little practice, peeing whilst lying horizontal can be perfected with no need to even get out of the sleeping bag.

But the ladies understandably require something a little more sophisticated and my ‘Crap-Happy Bog Standard Folding Toilet Stool’ is the answer. Lightweight, portable and simple in design, once folded it can be stowed away even in a Dormobile as it takes up very little space. It can be used without or without a plastic bag attached, (coloured or black rather than transparent for aesthetic reasons) but beware of inferior 3 legged folding models available on e-blag which clearly have a built in design fault. For the lucky Carawagon owner, there is plenty of storage room inside the vehicle for a ‘Portapotti 125’ although I did find it easier to use if it was taken out of the cupboard first.

Photos below show construction and properties - not where the device is used!



John H

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