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Camping At Rainbow Beach.........

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:35 pm
by jerryd
Just been away for a few days camping at Rainbow Beach, we had three days glorious weather before we were hit by heavy rain and high winds :cry:
Unfortunately the "dormobile" leaks like a sieve due to lack of door and window rubbers which have melted in the aussie sun, so packed up camp after getting too wet and headed home a day early.

Took the dormobile on the beach and drove for miles which was great fun, had one scary moment when the transfer box decided it didn't want to play, but then it just went into gear like nothing had happened :shrug: much to the relief of my family.

A few pics and a link ... Beach.aspx

Re: Camping At Rainbow Beach.........

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:53 am
by Alpinerover
lovely pics thanks